Does Oatmeal Work for Weightloss?

Oatmeal is one of the most popular breakfast choices for people looking to lose weight. The question that often comes up, though, is, does oatmeal work? Let’s take a closer look at what happens when you eat oatmeal and see if it can be effective in your weight loss plan.

What does science say?

There have been numerous studies on whether oatmeal works for weight loss, including one from the University of Connecticut School Of Medicine. Researchers found that participants who ate a bowl of low-calorie oatmeal before each meal lost more weight over 12 weeks than those who only restricted calories. In another study involving obese women in a weight loss program, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health found that those who ate oatmeal were less likely to gain back any additional pounds they had shed.

What’s so special about oats?

Many people believe in this food as an effective weight-loss tool because it contains soluble fiber, which can help your body feel fuller for longer. Soluble fibers bind with bile acids and water in the intestine, making them larger and softer before being excreted out of your system. This process takes up more space in your stomach resulting in you feeling full faster when eating a meal. When combined with protein, such as eggs or lean meat, studies have shown there may be even better results in keeping hunger at bay.

What does oatmeal do for your body?

Oats also contain a lot of nutrients that can help keep you healthy inside and out. One cup, cooked with water, contains 160 calories, four grams of protein, seven grams of fat (two from omega-three fatty acids), three grams of fiber, and five milligrams of iron. Oatmeal is also high in vitamins B-12 and E; both are needed to maintain optimal health and have more than 100 percent of thiamin, niacin, and folate daily value. This means it’s an excellent source of magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus too. What about cholesterol levels? Although oats may be low on the glycemic index, they still have carbs, which can trigger an increase in your cholesterol levels.

How to eat oatmeal?

There are many ways you can incorporate oats into your diet. You can mix them with fruit, spices or enjoy them plain. They’re often used as a sweetener for cookies and other baked goods but don’t forget to make delicious savory dishes like soups, salads, and even burgers. If you’re not sure how to cook it, there’s no need to worry since most people have access to microwaves at work or school, making this food very easy to prepare on the go. Plus, if you want something quick-cooking, try instant oats, which only take two minutes. It’s also low-fat, so eating more of it can help you lose weight too.

How often should I eat oatmeal?

Experts recommend eating oatmeal for breakfast to get more fiber in your diet from the beginning of your day. However, there is no set rule on how often you should have it or if it has always been eaten at a particular time. This means that you can enjoy oatmeal any time you want.

What’s terrible about oats?

Many Oats do contain gluten, so they’re not suitable for people who have celiac disease. They also don’t provide all essential amino acids needed by our body, making them an incomplete protein source and a poor choice for those following vegetarian diets. In addition, although whole grains are better than processed ones, too many high-fiber foods may cause some gastrointestinal discomfort such as bloating, gas, and stomach pain for some people.

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